On The Road & On a Budget
The DOTNumberStore.com knows that living on the road can be super costly. Between gas and meals, it can really add up very quickly and get stressful. Let's not even get started on possible citations or mechanical issues. If you haven't found a budgeting system that works for you yet, you should start now! Budgeting doesn't have to be a total hassle. Think of it as you telling your money where to go instead of wondering where your money went. There is no better time than now to start better money practices, after all you're in the business to make money, not spend it!
Meal Plans & Snacks at Home
Let's start with the easiest one: food. Going to fast food places or stocking up on gas station snacks and meals isn't the way to go to save money and it has a negative impact on your overall health. Getting a full meal at a fast food location can cost up to $14 or more, while you can easily save half that by getting groceries and preparing meals ahead of time or in your truck. Investing in an InstantPot or a crockpot will save you money in the long run as you will be able to cook while you're on the go! Making your own snacks at home instead of buying bag after bag of chips is another great way to save some money, too. Check out some of DOTNumberStore.com's tips and tricks to eating healthy here!
Take Advantage of Deals
Almost every where seems to have a deal or reward card, don't they? Some gas stations have special reward cards to help save money on gas or certain products. Grocery stores, like Kroger, offer a special discount card to save you money on gas and groceries. They can be a little annoying to sign up for at the time, but realistically the savings are worth it!
Try to use WIFI whenever possible. Texting and calling from your smart phone is included into most cellphone plans, but internet data overages can be mega-expensive if you are not on an unlimited plan. WIFI is so readily available at so many locations, it's usually pretty easy to find a WIFI Hotspot. Some places may have their internet password protected, but it never hurts to ask for that password. The worst thing they can say is, "no."
Fix The Small Problem
Before it becomes a big problem! A check engine light or a funny noise needs to be addressed as soon as it's noticed. Take extra time at rest stops and gas stations to inspect your vehicle. Try not to put off any repairs because that one repair being put off too long could start to affect other areas of your vehicle, which will cost you big money in the long run.
Making The Budget
Sitting down with a paper and pen to actually make yourself a budget is the biggest asset when it comes to you saving money while you're out on the road. It will be tedious, but very well worth it. Not seeing with your own eyes where your spend your money makes it difficult to see where the money is going exactly and how much of it is going there. By keeping a physical budget, you are prepping yourself for success and giving yourself the power of lowering your monthly costs.
Staying Compliant (for Cheap)
Here at DOTNumberStore.com, we can help with this all across the board! We have been in business for over 21 years and specialize in keeping you compliant for less. We offer a variety of long lasting, weather resistant USDOT compliant decals and magnetic signs that meet all US Dept. of Transportation regulations, so you don't have to worry about tickets or citations while you're on the road. We also offer professional grade, full color logo decals to give your business that extra edge and advertising while you're driving and making money. From USDOT compliant HAZMAT placards and decals to US Coast Guard compliant commercial boat registration numbers, we have what you need to stay in budget and remain compliant!
Don't see what you need? Please don't hesitate to reach out to us for a custom order at 812-936-7446 or via email.